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 Contract of Changes (open to Romulus)

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Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Empty
PostSubject: Contract of Changes (open to Romulus)   Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2013 12:52 pm

*We go to the ring. It is nicely covered with a red carpet and a table in the middle with the paperwork in the middle and two nice chairs on either side. Our GM Alana Alexandra stands behind the table with two brawny security guards standing at the corners.*

Alana: "Ladies and Gentlemen as you all know our champion Romulus defended his title once again, this time against Sean Pain at Ultimate War Games. In that same night a new contender was decided in a Rumble match and that man is Kid A. Now I want to have them both come out here and make their match for the IWA World Heavyweight Championship official. I know what you're all thinking and I think I know what one of these guys wants to happen so that is why I have these two excellent IWA security team members with me here tonight. Before I bring them out I want to make it clear that there will be no violence in this ring. This is a contract signing and it will be all business. Now here's your contender Kid A!"

*She waves her hand at the entrance and Courage by The Minutemen plays. Kid A and Baby B saunter out and walk to the ring while looking out at the audience. They get into the ring and Baby B shakes Alana's hand and Kid A immediately steps up to one of the security guys and glares at him face to face. Baby B laughs and pulls him back motioning to Alana that it's nothing.*

Alana: "And here's your IWA World Heavyweight Champion, Romulus!"

*The arena lights go dark as four golden spotlights start circling through the crowd. They meet at the top of the entrance ramp as golden sparks shower down from the titontron. "Mind Your Manners" by Bliss N Eso is played through the arena speakers and all of the sudden the crowd erupt in cheers as the IWA World Heavyweight Champion appears through the shower of sparks wearing a Detroit Pistons jersey and followed out by Minerva, Venus and Mercury.

He moves to the left side of the entrance ramp and points to the crowd.

He then goes over the the right side of the ramp and points to the crowd.

Romulus moves back towards the center of the entrance ramp and kneels on one knee. He lays his World title on the ground in front of him and then puts his right arm over his heart. He mumbles a few words to himself then grabs his title, stands up and raises it to the sky with tremendous support from the crowd.

He starts walking down the ramp towards the ring shaking hands with fans along the way and as he gets towards
the ring he rolls in under the bottom rope and goes to the corner, climbs up and raises his title once again. He comes into the ring and shakes Alana's hand and holds the title up in front of Kid A who just laughs.*

Alana: "Now. I made sure to send you guys copies of the contract ahead of time so you can review it. So just take your seats and get this done."

*Romulus and Kid A stand in the center of the ring staring at each other and Baby B takes her mic from the table.*

Baby B: "Yeah before that I'm just gonna take a look at this thing one more time. Now I don't wanna imply anything Alexandra but this guy has been a champ for a long time. That type of legacy is good for a title. For a company. So I just wanna make sure there haven't been any outside influence before Kid signs this copy. In the mean time Kid's got something to get off his chest."

*Baby begins looking through the contract while an insulted looking Alana stands over her shoulder. She motions at the table and Kid A picks up his mic and laughs into it.*

Kid A: "That's just being a little overprotective, huh? But don't you wonder why there's been such a long reign? I mean, maybe you just that good, Romulus. But I've seen you and I've been in this ring with ya and I just don't get it. It was some match and you rallied there in the last part but it woulda been too little too late. That's why she's doin' that and that's why I like this bein' public. I ain't too impressed, guy. See, there can be a cause to why you had that title so long. But what bothers me more is the effect. Every single time you come out here it is so annoyin'. You got airs, boy. You dress yourself up like dang royalty and have your entourage treatin' you like an emperor. You lord your title over all o' us in the back and some people respect that. I've been here for a time, but I ain't seen why they do. And then there's them out there-"

*He stops talking and mockingly holds out his arms as the audience interrupt him by breaking out in a "RO-MU-LUS RO-MU-LUS" chant. Kid A waits for a while for it to die down looking angrier by the second.*

Kid A: "Yeah yeah you can get 'em to start a mean chant but they don't know the truth! The big god Ro-mu-lus-"

*Another chant begins and Kid A kicks the bottom rope and screams.*

Kid A: "Shut-up! Dang, you got them eatin' out of the palm of your hand but you don't really care, do ya? See, you been up in the clouds for so long. You stand up there and look down at us mortals and laugh but you don't know that some of us are laughin' back. We know that without that title and without the fancy attire you ain't nothin. Now that I have a chance to prove it I will. This is a battle between the have and the have nots and these people think they're with you when you treat 'em like peasants. They shouldn't stand for it and I definitely won't. I'm gonna take that title off your hands and expose what you are, Romulus. Just a deluded man."

*Romulus smiles as he picks up a microphone off the table. He places his title belt over his shoulder and turns toward the crowd*

Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Iwarom10

Romulus: "Seriously?"

*He looks back over towards Kid A before turning back towards the crowd*

Romulus: "Seriously?"

*He turns back around and moves closer to Kid A*

Romulus: "Seriously? Your going to stand right here, in this very ring, and try to tell the good people of this great city that is Detroit, Michigan......"

*The crowd cheer loudly full of home town pride as Romulus wait for them to settle before continuing*

Romulus: "That i dont care about them..... the people? Seriously? Your really gonna try to do that? Ok, then, tell me how i treat them like peasants? Tell me? Cause im pretty sure that for the last 3 seasons i changed my ways and i started working for these people. You see Kid.... Im the one that comes out here every week for these people. Im at every show... and if im not on the card, i still show up to meet the fans, sign autographs, get some photos.... and do you know why i do that Kid? For them!!!"

*The crowd cheer in support*

Romulus "Now im the first to admit that when i first started here, i was a bit of a diva. I ran around here saying i was everything when i had accomplished nothing. I was so intent on becoming something big that i sought out 3 other guys to join The Senate in an attempt to take over the IWA roster.... but i was so intent on doing it all so quickly that i ended up with a bunch of guys who were just as ego driven as myself and only wanted to look after themselves..... but times change and so do people. Look at Bford now. The undisputed Unified Termination Champion.... and then there is Mr Mexico.... rebrands himself and comes back to become 1 half of the IWA Global Tag Team Champions.... and then there is me.... "

*Romulus is interupted by the crowd as they start chanting out his name*

Crowd: "Romulus.... Romulus.... Romulus.... Romulus.... Romulus...."

Romulus: "Your IWA World Heavyweight Champion.... and for 5 seasons i have proudly held this title. I went to Alana on her first night on the job and told her i was going to change my ways.... i told her that i was going to prove to her.... prove to the guys backstage.... and prove to the thousands...."

*Right on cue the crowd jump in....*

Crowd: "AND THOUSANDS....."

Romulus: " of the champs fans that i was a different person, and since then i have gone on to fight in Last Man Standing matches, Elimination Chambers, Royal Rumbles, First Blood, Last Blood, Ultimate Submission matches.... you name it, ive wrestled in it.... and yet you have the nerve to stand there and tell me that you dont see what all the fuss is about."

*Minerva picks up a microphone off the table*

Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Iwamin10

Minerva: "If anyone should be asking what all the fuss is about, it should be us. I mean, do you really think that your worthy enough to wear the championship belt? Look yourselves. Kid A.... you look like you havnt seen a shower, a laundry or a razor in years.... and Baby B.... Im sorry my dear, but you resemble nothing more than some poor Jessica Simpson trailer park trash wannabe. You say that Romulus dresses himself up like a god and parades around here like like he dosnt deserve everything he has earned.... and look at you. When was the last time those rags your wearing went through a decent wash cycle...."

*Romulus snatches the mic from Minerva's hand and has some words with her. They go back and forth for a bit but in the end it appears that Minerva is told by the champ to leave the ring area and wait backstage. Unhappy with Romulus's decision she vents her anger on a nearby fan as she snatches his "ROMULUS RULES!!!" sign from his hands and rips it in half before storming off up the ramp and backstage. Romulus turns to Venus and asks her to go backstage and attend to Minerva as Venus agrees and goes off after her leaving Romulus with Mercury*

Romulus: "Chicks!!! So anyway.... as i was saying.... Kid, the last time we met you got the win, but lets not forget that just before you pinned me, Alice Wonderbra came out and dstracted the referee while Sean Pain came from behind and dropped the Dead Man's Hand on me...."

*Romulus picks up his contract off the desk and hands it to Mercury who looks over it briefly before turning to the last page and putting it back down on the desk. He turns picks up a pen off the table and hands it to Romulus as he whispers something into his ear*

Romulus: "The next time we meet Kid A, there is going to be no outside interference.... and make no mistake about it.... This time, i'll be ready!!!"

*Romulus signs his contract and hands it to Alana as he puts the pen back down on the table and stands behind his chair.*

*Kid A paces back and forth across the ring.*

Kid A: See, this is when people get to talkin' big and it starts to wind me up. But I'll try to control myself. That's what I expect from a champion like yourself. Man of the people. Also a man of excuses and false promises. Do you think these people are gonna support you after all of this goes away. Lets go to the future and you lose your title. You come out with the city name and sports team on your chest, panderin' and the like but your hands are empty. No title. Do you really think these people are gonna go along with the dumb fan participation parts when you talk? Will there still be millions and millions? There won't be. That's when you'll realize that you don't really matter. All that matters is success.

*He pauses as the crowd boos and tries to yell out in support for Romulus. Baby B calls out to Kid A and he signs the contract and holds it up in front of Romulus.*

Kid A: The Heavyweight Title will be mine in a few and we intend to take up all the attention for ourselves. Your girlie's got a big mouth but she ain't half wrong. We're trash but that's why I'll win. We're angry at the fact that I work hard for what little I get and there ain't much to show for it. I came here with the everlastin' chip on my shoulder and dominated like you have for these past few seasons. Baddest man in IWA, you reckon? But the difference is that we won't change like you did. We're in it for the championship and not for these people. They'll come around cause they follow success. You will see. When we face each other again I'm not only gonna take that burden of the title away from you. I'm gonna free you of your name. Ro-mu-lus-

*Kid A inadvertently starts up the chant again and is surprised when the people go with it. He motions wildly to get them to shut up but spots Mercury saying something in Romulus' ear and both laughing. He charges and Romulus doesn't move. The security guys tackle Kid A to the ground and fight to keep him down. Alana tries to get Baby B to help but she just frowns and kicks her feet up on the table. When it looks like Kid A will get up and free himself Alana gets two more guys to come in from ringside to hold his feet. Four of them hold Kid A back in a corner as he yells ugly things at Romulus. Romulus shakes his head and holds up his title once again and the fans cheer before we fade*

Last edited by Kid A on Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:13 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Hysteric
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The Hysteric

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Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Contract of Changes (open to Romulus)   Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2013 2:44 pm

looking good Smile
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Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Contract of Changes (open to Romulus)   Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 24, 2013 2:59 pm

*Romulus smiles as he picks up a microphone off the table. He places his title belt over his shoulder and turns toward the crowd*

Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Iwarom10

Romulus: "Seriously?"

*He looks back over towards Kid A before turning back towards the crowd*

Romulus: "Seriously?"

*He turns back around and moves closer to Kid A*

Romulus: "Seriously? Your going to stand right here, in this very ring, and try to tell the good people of this great city that is Detroit, Michigan......"

*The crowd cheer loudly full of home town pride as Romulus wait for them to settle before continuing*

Romulus: "That i dont care about them..... the people? Seriously? Your really gonna try to do that? Ok, then, tell me how i treat them like peasants? Tell me? Cause im pretty sure that for the last 3 seasons i changed my ways and i started working for these people. You see Kid.... Im the one that comes out here every week for these people. Im at every show... and if im not on the card, i still show up to meet the fans, sign autographs, get some photos.... and do you know why i do that Kid? For them!!!"

*The crowd cheer in support*

Romulus "Now im the first to admit that when i first started here, i was a bit of a diva. I ran around here saying i was everything when i had accomplished nothing. I was so intent on becoming something big that i sought out 3 other guys to join The Senate in an attempt to take over the IWA roster.... but i was so intent on doing it all so quickly that i ended up with a bunch of guys who were just as ego driven as myself and only wanted to look after themselves..... but times change and so do people. Look at Bford now. The undisputed Unified Termination Champion.... and then there is Mr Mexico.... rebrands himself and comes back to become 1 half of the IWA Global Tag Team Champions.... and then there is me.... "

*Romulus is interupted by the crowd as they start chanting out his name*

Crowd: "Romulus.... Romulus.... Romulus.... Romulus.... Romulus...."

Romulus: "Your IWA World Heavyweight Champion.... and for 5 seasons i have proudly held this title. I went to Alana on her first night on the job and told her i was going to change my ways.... i told her that i was going to prove to her.... prove to the guys backstage.... and prove to the thousands...."

*Right on cue the crowd jump in....*

Crowd: "AND THOUSANDS....."

Romulus: " of the champs fans that i was a different person, and since then i have gone on to fight in Last Man Standing matches, Elimination Chambers, Royal Rumbles, First Blood, Last Blood, Ultimate Submission matches.... you name it, ive wrestled in it.... and yet you have the nerve to stand there and tell me that you dont see what all the fuss is about."

*Minerva picks up a microphone off the table*

Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Iwamin10

Minerva: "If anyone should be asking what all the fuss is about, it should be us. I mean, do you really think that your worthy enough to wear the championship belt? Look yourselves. Kid A.... you look like you havnt seen a shower, a laundry or a razor in years.... and Baby B.... Im sorry my dear, but you resemble nothing more than some poor Jessica Simpson trailer park trash wannabe. You say that Romulus dresses himself up like a god and parades around here like like he dosnt deserve everything he has earned.... and look at you. When was the last time those rags your wearing went through a decent wash cycle...."

*Romulus snatches the mic from Minerva's hand and has some words with her. They go back and forth for a bit but in the end it appears that Minerva is told by the champ to leave the ring area and wait backstage. Unhappy with Romulus's decision she vents her anger on a nearby fan as she snatches his "ROMULUS RULES!!!" sign from his hands and rips it in half before storming off up the ramp and backstage. Romulus turns to Venus and asks her to go backstage and attend to Minerva as Venus agrees and goes off after her leaving Romulus with Mercury*

Romulus: "Chicks!!! So anyway.... as i was saying.... Kid, the last time we met you got the win, but lets not forget that just before you pinned me, Alice Wonderbra came out and dstracted the referee while Sean Pain came from behind and dropped the Dead Man's Hand on me...."

*Romulus picks up his contract off the desk and hands it to Mercury who looks over it briefly before turning to the last page and putting it back down on the desk. He turns picks up a pen off the table and hands it to Romulus as he whispers something into his ear*

Romulus: "The next time we meet Kid A, there is going to be no outside interference.... and make no mistake about it.... This time, i'll be ready!!!"

*Romulus signs his contract and hands it to Alana as he puts the pen back down on the table and stands behind his chair.*


Last edited by Romulus on Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:14 am; edited 2 times in total
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Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Contract of Changes (open to Romulus)   Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 9:03 am

As for my entrance.... can you just use my normal entrance please and just add that I am followed out by my entourage Minerva, Venus and Mercury and not "The Senate".... please Smile

Also.... since were in Detroit can you please have me wearing a Detroit Pistons basketball jersey.... ta.
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The Hysteric
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The Hysteric

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Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Contract of Changes (open to Romulus)   Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 9:12 am

after kid A replies ill add it to the show
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Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Contract of Changes (open to Romulus)   Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 9:15 am

im going to have Minerva turn against me i think.....

i sort of set it up here but i think i might try and run with it somehow.....
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Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Contract of Changes (open to Romulus)   Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 1:13 pm

alright edited everything into the first post and completed it.
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The Hysteric
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The Hysteric

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Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Contract of Changes (open to Romulus)   Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 2:05 pm

greatness. as usual. good job guys
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PostSubject: Re: Contract of Changes (open to Romulus)   Contract of Changes (open to Romulus) I_icon_minitime

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