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 Some Ideas

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PostSubject: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 2:36 pm

I need some ideas from El Boaro, Swagger D, and Sharkey Jaws for this role play. It has to involve all four of us in the ring and then The General Manager coming toward us telling us that she is tired of our actions toward each other, so she puts us in a fatal four way match in the pay-per-view. (Note since next week is the fourth show and I doubt none of us have any appearance left I have no clue what to do)
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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 2:48 pm

how abt someone getting a steal chair in the match and using the advantage of the referee being down and then picking up the win or something? and then I come out to attack the winner and then sharkey comes for the save and we attack each other and finally alana comes and announces that?
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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 5:08 pm

Hmm that sounds like a good idea. What do we do about next week though?
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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 5:22 pm

u vs me and maybe el boaro as a special guest referee? Very Happy
that would be good
and this week, I am gonna be in commentary so that its easier to interfere and next week maybe sharkey could be in commentary?
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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 5:24 pm

Hmm I don't think I have enough appearances lol. If I do then that sounds like a good idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 5:25 pm

maybe me vs sharkey with u as special guest referee then?
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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 5:34 pm

Yea doesn't matter with me and maybe El Boaro as special guest commentator for that match.
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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 7:01 pm

works for me
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El Boaro
El Boaro

Posts : 83
Join date : 2012-11-19

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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 24, 2013 5:32 pm

OOC: If nobody writes it, I can do it

*The Legend hits El Boaro with a right hand, and knocks him down. He then turns his attention to Swagger D, who gets up from the announcing table, clapping ironically to The Legend. The two starts arguing, as the ref tries to avoid The Legend to exit the ring. Legend pushes him, making the ref hit the turnbuckle*

Ken Comaro: "The Ref's down... again!"

Rhys Trebian: "You don't say..."

*As The Legend and Swagger D realizes that the Referee's knocked out, they start brawling outside the ring, while El Boaro is seen getting up*

Rhys Trebian: "It's getting dangerous here Ken!!"

*El Boaro is in center of the ring, while he runs in the opposite direction as where Legend and Swagger are brawling, and bounces on the ropes as the crowd starts going wild. Before reaching the ropes at full speed, he turns his back performing a beautiful Moonsault Plancha.*

Rhys Trebian: "Wooooow!!! What the hell was THAT???"

Ken Comaro: "Unbelievable move again by El Boaro!"

*The three men are now laying near outside the ring, as the crowd is all on their feet chanting "THAT WAS AWESOME! THAT WAS AWESOME". The Legend, who partially avoid the impact by stepping aside is the first one to get back on feet. He looks under the ring bringing out a chair, and starts hitting both El Boaro and Swagger D, while the crowd boos him. All of a sudden they starts screaming , as Sharkey Jaws is seen running down the ramp, sliding in the ring and immediatly hitting The Legend with a Suicide Dive. He then throws him in the ring , picks up El Boaro too telling him to get in and cover his opponent, while he tries to wake up the referee. Meanwhile Swagger D gets up and goes against Sharkeys, smashing his head on the apron. The Ref starts counting, as El Boaro has the pin, but he's forced to stop when Swagger D grabs El Boaro's ankle, taking him out of the ring. The Ref calls for the bell*

Autumn: "Your winner by disqualification El Boarooo!"

*Swagger D starts kicking the Legend who's still lying on the mat. Alana's them song is heard in the arena (OOC sorry I don't know what's her theme), as she stands on the stage*

Alana: "I'm sick and tired of you four interfering in each other's matches!! That's why...."

OOC: Open for Sean to complete it, announcing the future of this rivalry, evenually culminating in that fatal 4-way
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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 24, 2013 9:41 pm

Hmm Hysteric? Razz
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The Hysteric
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The Hysteric

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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 25, 2013 11:20 am

*Theatrical Music hits and Alana Alexandra steps through the curtain with a look of great annoyance and anger upon her face. She storms to the edge of the stage and brings the mics to her lips*

Alana Alexandra: "Enough! I've seen enough!"

*Swagger D turns quickly giving a glare to the GM as he backs away from The Legends limp body cockily holding his hands in the air. El Boaro and Sharkey make their way to their feet uprighting themselves as Alana fumes with anger on the ramp*

Alana Alexandra: "I'm so past fed up with the constant pissing contest going on between you boys on MY show! The bar fights, the backstage beatdowns, the interference and the drama inside MY office, it's all done! Done! You boys want to go at each others throats so bad, well by my hand, you've got it!"

*The fans roar explosively with cheers and hollers. Alana looks around acknowledging the fans reaction as a small grin breaks out on her face*

Alana Alexandra: "At Ultimate War Games it's going to be The Legend versus El Boaro versus Sharkey Jaws versus Swagger D!"

*The roar of the fans grow even louder as Alana smiles*

Alana Alexandra: "In a no disqualification Number One contenders match for one of IWA's most coveted and prized possessions, The International Championship."

*Swagger D and the rest of the men grin in amusement as The Legend leans on the ropes laughing*

Crowd: "....Hy-ster-ic....Hy-ster-ic....Hy-ster-ic....

Alana Alexandra: "After all the nonsense I've put up with from your children like behavior, It's about time I make my money's worth off of you boys, even if it means letting you beat the living hell out of each other."

*The fans cheer loudly shaking the stadium as Alana puts up a finger with something else to say*

Alana Alexandra: "However, if any of you boys so much as look at each other wrong, there will be in fact no match but instead a direct consequence resulting in your immediate termination. Do I make myself clear?"

*The superstars exchange looks*

Alana Alexandra: "Don't make me ask twice."

*The superstars all nod in approval although anger and sarcasm can be seen behind each nod*

Alana Alexandra: "Good, save it for UWG, no harmful physical contact between you four and you can have it all. You play nice and in turn you will be treated as such. Now get out of my ring."

*Theatrical Music hits and Alana exits the arena to loud cheers and hollers as the fans are ecstatic. Swagger D locks eyes with The Legend as he leave the ring. El Boaro and Sharkey Jaws have a staredown as the cameras cut to the next segment*
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The Hysteric
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The Hysteric

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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 25, 2013 11:21 am

hows that guys?
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El Boaro
El Boaro

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Join date : 2012-11-19

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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 25, 2013 1:32 pm

great!! Fatal 4-way no DQ for number one contender. That's going to be great!!
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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2013 3:03 am

Sounds good with me
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PostSubject: Re: Some Ideas   Some Ideas I_icon_minitime

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