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 Interviewing the Giant

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The Hysteric
Hall of Famer
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The Hysteric

Posts : 1116
Join date : 2012-06-02
Location : East Moline, IL USA

Interviewing the Giant Empty
PostSubject: Interviewing the Giant   Interviewing the Giant I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 08, 2013 10:34 am

*Backstage Justin Omega is seen tightening his tie before he notices the camera on. loud banging can be heard in the background*

Justin Omega: "Ladies and Gents, The IWA Monster, TDG arrived moments ago and seems to be in a very uncaring mood for tonight. I'm about to go and see what I can get from him, stay close."

*Justin walks off in the direction of the loud noises as the cameraman stays close behind, they round a corner and a caterer is seen airborne through a doorway where he slams into a wall and slumps to the floor without resistance. Justin mumbles something to himself but continues moving forward where he enters the doorway to find The Depraved Giant standing towering over a mess of food and empty scattered dining trays and tables. He stares at the floor with his back turned to Justin Omega*

Interviewing the Giant Iwatdg

The Depraved Giant: "Do I look to be in a gaming mood?!"

*TDG turns around whipping a silver platter towards Justin who barely ducks it as it gets stuck in the wall behind him. TDG moves quickly grabbing Justin by the throat and lifting him until his head hits the ceiling, TDG pins Justins back to the ceiling by his throat as he stares angrily at him*

The Depraved Giant: "Get ouuuuuut!!"

*TDG tosses Justin to the floor with a loud thud and scurries to his feet as he tries to regain his breathe. He and the cameraman remove themselves with a sense of urgency as more clashing can be heard from inside*
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