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 Rule Nr. 01 The Giant is better than Nr. 47

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Rule Nr. 01 The Giant is better than Nr. 47 Empty
PostSubject: Rule Nr. 01 The Giant is better than Nr. 47   Rule Nr. 01 The Giant is better than Nr. 47 I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 6:16 pm


*A red smoke fills the ring, flames fire up from the four turnbuckles.......TDG appears in the center of the ring*

Rhys Trebian: "This guy is unbelievable...Ive never seen a wrestler that is so dominant. Heck I would even have to say if it wasnt for The Giant and I, this company would have no ratings what so ever."

Ken Comaro: "Going by the crowd reaction I would say that everything you just said is a load of garbage Rhys."

Rhys Trebian: "Shut up Ken I want to hear what the giant has to say."

*TDG laughs as the crowd boo*

TDG: "Your God is here!"

*TDG lifts the Termination belt and the crowd boo louder*

Rhys Trebian: "Show the giant some respect...These people make me sick."

TDG: "Im not only the largest wrestler you have ever seen but I am also the greatest wrestler you have ever seen."

*A member of the crowd tries to get into the ring. TDG kicks him on the head knocking him out cold the intruder falls back out from the quickly drag him away*

TDG: "Tonight I am up against another no hoper....A man who has as much ability as that idiot........Nr.47. I will not only beat him tonight but I will make an example out of him....He will regret the day he signed for the IWA."

*Rhys stands up*

Rhys Trebian: "TDG,TDG,TDG."

*The Crowd continue to boo*

TDG: "I will rip NR. 47 apart. Thats if he still has the guts to come down the ring and stand in my shadow."

* NR. 47's music plays and he tentatively makes his way to the ring....TDG waves him in while laughing evily*

Rhys Trebian: "I cant believe 47's coming to the ring hes a bigger fool than the intruder."

Ken Comaro: "Nr 47 has a heart of a lion."

Rhys Trebian: "And the brain of a goldfish what a loser."

TDG: "Come in this ring and I will destroy you!"

* Nr. 47 looks worryingly at the crowd*

Crowd: "Kick his bleep!Kick his bleep."

*Nr 47 seems to get a surge of energy from the crowd he beats his chest as his worried look now changes into a confident one*

Ken Comaro: "Hes going to do it he is going to put the giant back in the cage he came from."

*Nr. 47 dives into the ring and sprints towards TDG........TDG lifts his Monster sized foot and Nr. 47 is instantly floored*

Rhys Trebian: "And thats what I call a welcoming."

TDG grabs Nr.47 by the hair and the match begins

Rule Nr. 01 The Giant is better than Nr. 47 TDGSig
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Rule Nr. 01 The Giant is better than Nr. 47
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