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 The Depraved Giant Profile

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Posts : 24
Join date : 2012-05-11
Location : Parts Unknown

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PostSubject: The Depraved Giant Profile   The Depraved Giant Profile I_icon_minitimeSat May 12, 2012 11:06 am

height: 8ft
weight: 455lb
face/heel/tweener: Heel

attire: red marking across his big bald face and red marking on his body. Black and red tights. Black boots, red and black wrist tape.
The Depraved Giant Profile 900220-kratos_by_r0land_super
attire2: The Masked Giant
The Depraved Giant Profile 900220-kratos_by_r0land_super2copy
Bio: Evil flows through the veins of this collosus of a man. Standing at an incredible 8ft the giant is feared by his opponants. Not many would even dare step in the ring and those fools that do are soon squashed and taken to the depths of hell, where they sit for all eternity thinking why they had faced The Depraved Giant in the first place. He does not care about your past but he will soon end your future.

ANGRY GIANT: The Depraved Giant Begins to shake as the adrenaline rushes through his body he then looks at the opponent lifts him up with one hand and slings him across the ring executing a Angry giant

BOTTOMLESS PIT OF DESPAIR: The Depraved Giant grabs the opponent aggresively with both hands and whispers to them, " your going to hell". He then lifts them with ease way above his head and holds them there for what feels like eternity
Then with all his might flings the opponent like a rag doll onto the mat, raises his arms to the crowd and ROARS! executing a Bottomless pit of despair

SHADOW OF DOOM: The Depraved Giant tosses the opponent on his shoulders and slams him down onto the mat
then jumps on the opponent with his monstrous weight executing a Shadow of doom

GIANT HELLBUTT: The Depraved Giant Looks down at the opponent then looks back up with a sadistic smile on his face and points to the turnbuckle, TDG then menacingly climbs to the top.
Then flies head first straight into the helpless the opponents face, disfiguring the face of the opponent executing Giant Hellbutt

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