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 Meeting the Giant

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Meeting the Giant Empty
PostSubject: Meeting the Giant   Meeting the Giant I_icon_minitimeSun May 13, 2012 4:17 am

The Depraved Giant is walking down a hallway when out of the shadows a tall, hooded figure steps right into his path. The Depraved giant stops and the figure raises gloved hands to throw back the hood, revealing Daemon Lupo. Daemon Lupo looks up at TDG and a faint smile touches his lips,

TDG: "Who are you?"

Daemon Lupo just keeps staring up at him, the smile fixed on his lips, then he speaks

Daemon: "Tonight I face you. You are the first man I had ever had to look up to, this will be interesting."

Daemon turns to leave, but TDG grabs him by the shoulder and wheels him around, there is a sharp explosion of light and TDG is left holding an empty robe, from behind him comes a soft chuckle, he turns to find Daemon standing there, his arms crossed in front of him, still wearing a black robe identical to the one TDG is holding in his hand.

Daemon: "Be careful Giant, the shadows and the light are both my friends."

Last edited by Deamon Lupo on Sun May 13, 2012 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 24
Join date : 2012-05-11
Location : Parts Unknown

Meeting the Giant Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Giant   Meeting the Giant I_icon_minitimeSun May 13, 2012 7:19 am

*TDG ignores what sounded like a threat and leans over Daemon Lupo. After realising his mistake last time he now grabs Deamon's arm so he cannot move, TDG's sweat drips into Daemon's face*

TDG: " I tell you who you are.....You are nothing but a small insignificant being."

*Daemon trys to wipe TDG's sweat/spit that continues to casscade down like a waterfall onto his face*

TDG " That will soon become a small insignificant going muhahaha. As I will take you to the depths of hell and end your time in IWA before it has begun."

*Daemon Lupo attempts to answer back but he is soon shaken and deafened by The Giants roar*


*The camera shakes.....TDG then backs out of Deamons face and walks off down the corridor*

*A Drenched Daemon Lupo is left wondering what the *bleep* just happened*

Last edited by TDG on Sun May 13, 2012 6:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Meeting the Giant Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Giant   Meeting the Giant I_icon_minitimeSun May 13, 2012 8:20 am

Lifting a gloved hand Daemon Lupo wipes his face clean, a sick grin on his face, then he grimaces and spits

Daemon: "Sure tastes awful"

Daemon look at the back of TDG as he walks away and nods

Daemon: "Like I said, interesting."

Daemon also turns and walks away, a backstage hand carrying a tripod stops and turns to Daemon

BH: "Say...did you have a good swim?"

Daemon turns and smiles at the man, suddenly Daemon grabs the man by the throat, making him drop the tripod. Daemon lifts the man up and slams him hard onto the ground, he stares down at the man and starts to laugh softly.

Daemon: "Rest in Peace foolish one."

Daemon turns to the camera, the picture starts to snow and then cuts off
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Giant   Meeting the Giant I_icon_minitime

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