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 The Giant GOD of IWA

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Posts : 24
Join date : 2012-05-11
Location : Parts Unknown

The Giant GOD of IWA Empty
PostSubject: The Giant GOD of IWA   The Giant GOD of IWA I_icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2012 7:03 pm

*Somewhere in a dim lit room filled with red smoke a giant stands*

TDG: "Many wish they could have one giant moment in there life.......But I have them giant moments everyday muhahaha! I have no pity for you ordinary people. Your ordinaryness disgusts me. When you all threw your garbage at me I could see the jealousy in your eyes all wishing you had my power, my size, my ability to rip somebody in half. You wish you could taste my greatness....BUT YOU FOOLS WILL NEVER HAVE GREATNESS! Thats why you should worship me as a god...."

*you can hear the crowd in the background*

Crowd: "Booooooooooo!"

*TDG opens his palm as if he is reading from the lines and creases*

TDG: "The dark lords created me to follow this path and I shall not stop........NOT UNTIL THE LAST BEAT OF MY BLACK HEART!"

*TDG takes a deep breath*


*The camera shakes before the tron fades out and cuts back to the arena*
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The Giant GOD of IWA
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